Ovarian Cancer Clinical Trials (as of February 2024) ENGOT-ov88/BGOG/DDRiver EOC 302 part B Leading group: BGOG Clinical Trial Study: A phase II, open-label, Multicenter, Randomized Phase 2 Study of the ATR Inhibitor Tuvusertib in Combination with the PARP Inhibitor Niraparib or the ATM Inhibitor Lartesertib in Participants With BRCA Mutant and/or Homologous Recombination deficiency (HRD)-Positive Epithelial Ovarian Cancer That Progressed on Prior PARP Inhibitor Therapy (DDRiver EOC 302) Planned number of patients: 60 participants are being randomized 1:1 to open-label combination treatment with either tuvusertib + niraparib (Arm 1) or tuvusertib + lartesertib (Arm 2). Participating groups: To be specified (as of January 2025) ENGOT-ov76/MITO/GLORIOSA Leading group: MITO Clinical Trial Study: Randomized Phase 3 Trial of Mirvetuximab + Bevacizumab Maintenance In FRα-High PSOC Patients Planned number of patients: 418 Participating groups: MaNGO, AGO-Germany, GINECO, CTI, BGOG, PGOG, HeCOG, TRSGO, CEEGOG, ISGO, NCRI, GEICO ENGOT-ov75/BGOG/Innovate-5 Leading group: BGOG Clinical Trial Study: INNOVATE-5: A pivotal, randomized controlled, Open-Label Study of Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields, 200 kHz) in patients with recurrent Ovarian Cancer in Whom platinum is an option Planned number of patients: 650 Participating groups: HeCOG, NOGGO, TRSGO, CEEGOG, GINECO, PGOG, DGOG, CTI ENGOT-ov74/Swiss-GO/LoRiO Leading group: Swiss-GO Clinical Trial Study: PM1183-C-011-22 Localized Radiotherapy with Olaparib in recurrent Ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 159 Participating groups: CEEGOG, ISGO Planned start 2024 ENGOT-ov73/GEICO/PM1183-C-011-22 Leading group: GEICO Clinical Trial Study: PM1183-C-011-22 A Randomized, Multicenter, Open-label, Phase III Study of Lurbinectedin in Combination with Paclitaxel vs. Platinum-based Chemotherapy or Weekly Paclitaxel as Treatment in Patients with Relapsed Ovarian Cancer (LUPPA-1 Trial) Planned number of patients: 250-375 Participating groups: TBD ENGOT-ov72/MITO/ROSELLA Leading group: MITO Clinical Trial Study: A Phase 3 Study of Relacorilant in Combination with Nab-Paclitaxel versus Investigator’s choice in Advanced, Platinum-Resistant, High-Grade Epithelial Ovarian, Primary Peritoneal, or Fallopian-Tube Cancer Planned number of patients: 360 Participating groups: BGOG, CEEGOG, GEICO, GINECO, ISGO, NCRI, TRSGO, Swiss-GO ENGOT-ov71/NSGO-CTU/UP-NEXT Leading group: NSGO-CTU Clinical Trial Study: Phase III UpRi maintenance study in PSROC Planned number of patients: 350 Participating groups: AGO (NOGGO), A-AGO), BGOG, DGOG, GEICO, GINECO, ISGO, MaNGO, MITO, NCRI, NSGO-CTU ENGOT-ov70/BGOG/ALEPRO Leading group: BGOG Clinical Trial Study: An open label phase II study of abemaciclib and letrozole in ER-positive rare ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 40-100 Participating groups: AGO, GEICO, GINECO, SAKK, NCRI ENGOT-ov68/NOGGO/ARTISTRY-7 Leading group: NOGGO Clinical Trial Study: A Phase 3, Multicenter, Open-Label, Randomized Study of Nemvaleukin Alfa in Combination with Pembrolizumab Versus Investigator’s Choice Chemotherapy in Patients with Platinum-Resistant Epithelial Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, or Primary Peritoneal Cancer (ARTISTRY-7) Planned number of patients: 376 Participating groups: A-AGO, CEEGOG, DGOG, GEICO, ISGO, HeCOG, MITO, NCRI, PGOG ENGOT-ov67/A-AGO-OVAR 2.39/UPLIFT Leading group: A-AGO Clinical Trial Study: Uplifted expansion cohort in ovarian cancer patient of the open label Phase Ib/II, first-in-human, dose escalation and expansion study of XMT-1536 in patietns with solid tumors likely to express NaPi2 Planned number of patients: 180-240 Participating groups: AGO, BGOG, CEEGOG, GEICO, GINECO, MITO, NCRI, NSGO, PGOG ENGOT-ov66/GEICO/A VB500-OC-004/ARRAVIVE Leading group: GEICO Clinical Trial Study: A phase 3, randomized, double-blind, adaptive, placebo/Paclitaxel-controlled study of AVB-S6-500 in combination with Paclitaxel in patients with Platinum-resistant recurrent ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 300-500 Participating groups: MITO, MaNGO, GINECO, CEEGOG, HeGOG, BGOG, NCRI, PGOG, NOGGO ENGOT-ov65/MaNGO/KEYNOTE-B96 Leading group: MaNGO Clinical Trial Study: A phase 3, randomized, double-blind study of Pembrolizumab versus placebo in combination with Paclitaxel with or without Bevacizumab for the treatment of Platinum-resistant recurrent ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 696 Participating groups: GINECO, BGOG, NSGO, NOGGO, ISGO, PGOG, NCRI-UK, TRSGO, DGOG, CTI ENGOT-ov64/NSGO-CTU/SOLERO Leading group: NSGO-CTU Clinical Trial Study: An early phase randomized trial of APX005M in BRCAwt patients with recurrent ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 105 Participating groups: CEEGOG, BGOG, GEICO, SwissGO ENGOT-ov63/GINECO/NIRVANA Leading group: GINECO Clinical Trial Study: NIRVANA (NIRaparib with or without beVacizumab in mAintenance after complete cytoreductioN in patients with ovArian cancer) Planned number of patients: 390 Participating groups: BGOG, MaNGO, GEICO, Gotic, KGOG ENGOT-ov62/NOGGO/N-PLUS Leading group: NOGGO Clinical Trial Study: A Phase II randomized, open label non-inferiority study of NiraParib maintenance after 3 vs. 6 cycles of platinum-based chemotherapy in completeLy debUlked advanced HRDpositive high-grade ovarian cancer patientS in first line therapy Planned number of patients: 640 Participating groups: A-AGO, BGOG, CEEGOG, GEICO, MaNGO ENGOT-ov61/GEICO/EPIK-O Leading group: GEICO Clinical Trial Study: EPIK-O: A Phase III, multi-center, randomized (1:1), openlabel, active-controlled study to assess the efficacy and safety of alpelisib (BYL719) in combination with olaparib as compared to single agent cytotoxic chemotherapy, in participants with no germline BRCA mutation detected, platinum-resistant or refractory, high-grade serous ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 358 Participating groups: GINECO, NSGO, NCRI, CEEGOG, AGO, A-AGO, MITO, MaNGO and BGOG ENGOT-ov60/NCRI/GOG-3052/RAMP201 Leading group: NCRI Clinical Trial Study: A phase II trial of VS-6766 monotherapy and in combination with Defactinib in recurrent Low Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer Planned number of patients: 116 Participating groups: NCRI GOG partners, GEICO, BGOG, GINECO, MaNGO, Princess Margaret Consortium Canada ENGOT-ov59/NOGGO/MAMOC Leading group: NOGGO Clinical Trial Study: Rucaparib MAintenance after Bevacizumab Maintenance following Carboplatin based first line chemotherapy in Ovarian Cancer patients Planned number of patients: 190 Participating groups: AGO ENGOT-ov58/GINECO/TEDOVA Leading group: GINECO Clinical trial Study: Neoepitope vaccine (TEDOPI) in combination with pembolizumab as maintenance treatment for ovarian cancer in platinum sensitive relapse Planned number of patients: 360 Participating groups: AGO, BGOG ENGOT-ov57/AGO Leading group: AGO Clinical Trial Study: Niraparib vs Niraparib in combination with Bevacizumab in patients with carboplatinum-taxane based chemother-apy in advanced ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 970 Participating groups: BGOG, CEEGOG, GEICO, MANGO ENGOT-ov56/NSGO-CTU/DOVACC Leading group: NSGO-CTU Clinical Trial Study: A three-arm randomized study of olaparib, durvalumab and UV1 as maintenance therapy in BRCAwt patients in with relapsed ovarian cancer where platatinum combination therapy is an option Planned number of patients: 184 Participating groups: BGOG, NOGGO, HeCOG, DGOG, A-AGO ENGOT-ov55/BGOG/MIRASOL Leading group: BGOG Clinical trial Study: MIRASOL: A phase 3 registration trial for Mirvetuximab-Soravtansine using PS2+ scoring in FRα high platinum resistant ovarian cancer patients Planned number of patients: 430 Participating groups: GEICO, DGOG, CEEGOG, ISGO, PGOG, MANGO, NCRI, AGO, GINECO ENGOT-ov54/Swiss-GO/MATAO Leading group: Swiss-GO Clinical Trial Study: MAintenance Therapy with Aromatase inhibitor in epithelial Ovarian cancer: a Randomized Double-blinded Placebo-controlled Phase III Trial Planned number of patients: 540 Participating groups: AGO, A-AGO ENGOT-ov52/DGOG/OVHIPEC-2 Leading group: DGOG Clinical Trial Study: OVHIPEC-2 Randomized phase 3 trial comparing primary cytoreductive surgery with or without hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for stage III epithelial ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 538 Participating groups: Cancer trials Ireland, ANZGOG, NSGO-CTU, MITO, GINECO, NCRI, USA (as guest member of the DGOG) ENGOT-ov51/MITO/NItCHE Leading group: MITO Clinical Trial Study: Randomized phase III trial on Niraparib-TSR 042 vs TSR 042 vs physician's choice chemotherapy in recurrent ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer patients not candidate for further platinum treatment Planned number of patients: 422 Participating groups: MaNGO, GINECO, HeCOG, CEEGOG, NOGGO ENGOT-ov49/MaNGO/NEWTON Leading group: MaNGO Clinical Trial Study: A multicenter, open-label phase II trial of customized dosing (Rapid Adjustment of Dose to reduce Adverse Reactions “RADAR” dosing) of niraparib as maintenance therapy in platinum sensitive ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal recurrent cancer patients. Planned number of patients: 105 Participating groups: NOGGO ENGOT-ov47-TR /NOGGO-AGO TR2/HELPER Leading group: NOGGO Clinical Trial Study: Prospective study of HE4 serum level in patients with first platinum sensitive relapsed ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 500 Participating groups: A-AGO, AGO, BGOG, GEICO, MaNGO, MITO, NCRI, CTI ENGOT-ov45/NCRI/ATHENA Leading group: NCRI Clinical Trial Study: ATHENA - A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 study in ovarian cancer patients evaluating Rucaparib and Nivolumab as maintenance treatment following response to front-line Platinum-based chemotherapy Planned number of patients: 1000 Participating groups: AGO, BGOG, CEEGOG, CTI, GEICO, HeCOG, ISGO, MITO, NSGO, PGOG, TRSGO, (GOG Foundation Partners and other global groups) ENGOT-ov41/GEICO/ANITA Leading group: GEICO Clinical Trial Study: ANITA (Atezolizumab and NIraparib Treatment Association in recurrent ovarian cancer): A randomized phase III trial of platinum-based chemotherapy followed by niraparib maintenance with or without atezolizumab in patients with recurrent ovarian, tubal or peritoneal cancer and platinum treatment-free interval (TFIp) >6 Months Planned number of patients: 414 Participating groups: AGO, BGOG, GINECO, ISGO, MaNGO ENGOT-ov40/NOGGO/Expression VI Leading group: NOGGO Clinical Trial Study: Holistic Analysis of longterm survivors with ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 100-200 per country Participating groups: A-AGO, BGOG, CEEGOG, GEICO, TRSGO, Swiss-GO, (Romania, PASGO) ENGOT-ov35/NCRI/ICON 9 Leading group: NCRI Clinical Trial Study: An international phase III randomised study to evaluate the efficacy of maintenance therapy with olaparib and cediranib or olaparib alone in patients with relapsed platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer following a response to platinum-based chemotherapy Planned number of patients: 330 Participating groups: SGCTG (ANZGOG, NCIC), GCIG, Canadian cancer trials group ENGOT-ov34/AGO Ovar 2.29 Leading group: AGO Clinical Trial Study: Atezolizumab in combination with Bevacizumab +/- Chemotherapy versus Chemo-BEV standard in recurrent ovarian cancer – a randomised trial Planned number of patients: 664 Participating groups: A-AGO, BGOG, GEICO, GINECO, NSGO, SAKK, NSGO-CTU Next ENGOT meeting April 3-4, 2025 Nice, France Directly to: ESGO‘s Upcoming Conference eAcademy ENGOT Tutoring Collection ESGO‘s Journal latest articles myESGO ESGO Newsletter Get notified on all news and activities right in your mailbox. Sign-up Now! Ovarian Cancer Clinical Trials (as of February 2024) ENGOT- ov83/NOGGO/TORL123-002 Leading group: NOGGO Clinical Trial Study: A Phase 2 study evaluating the efficacy and safety of TORL-1-23 in Women with advanced platinum resistant epithelial ovarian cancer (including primary peritoneal and fallopian tube cancers) expressing Claudin 6 (CLdn6) Planned number of patients: 180 Participating groups: tbc Planned start Q4 2024 ENGOT-ov82/GINECO/EvoPAR-Ovarian01 Leading group: GINECO Clinical Trial Study: EvoPAR-Ovarian01 : Rechallenge with parpi in 1st platinum sensitive relapse for patients who received parpi in 1st line but did not progressed under parpi therapy Planned number of patients: 570 Participating groups: AGO, MITO,MANGO, GEICO,BGOG, TRSGO,CEEGOG,ISGO,AGO-A,BGOG,NSGO-CTU Planned start Q2 2024 ENGOT- ov81/NCRI/RAMP 301 Leading group: UK NCRI (via ICR-CTSU) Clinical Trial Study: A Phase 3, Randomized, Open-Label Study of Combination Therapy with Avutometinib plus Defactinib Versus Investigator’s Choice of Treatment in Patients with Recurrent Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer (LGSOC) Planned number of patients: 270 Participating groups: tbc Planned start tbc ENGOT- ov80/NCRI/DOVE Leading group: NCRI Clinical Trial Study: DOVE: A three-arm randomized phase II study of Dostarlimab alone or with Bevacizumab versus nonplatinum chemotherapy in recurrent gynaecological clear cell carcinoma (APGOT-ov7/ ENGOT study) Planned number of patients: 90 Participating groups: BGOG Planned start Q1 2024 ENGOT-ov78/GINECO/SALVOVAR Leading group: GINECO Clinical Trial Study: Phase III trial to assess the utility of adjusting chemotherapy dose & dosing schedule with the SALVage weekly dose-dense regimen in patients with poor prognostic OVARian cancers based on the tumor primary chemosensitivity and incomplete debulking surgery. Planned number of patients: 240 Participating groups: CEEGOG, ISGO, Mango, DGOG, NCRI-UK Planned start May 2024 ENGOT-ov76/MITO/GLORIOSA Leading group: MITO Clinical Trial Study: Randomized Phase 3 Trial of Mirvetuximab + Bevacizumab Maintenance In FRα-High PSOC Patients Planned number of patients: 418 Participating groups: MaNGO, AGO-Germany, GINECO, CTI, BGOG, PGOG, HeCOG, TRSGO, CEEGOG, ISGO, NCRI, GEICO ENGOT-ov75/BGOG/Innovate-5 Leading group: BGOG Clinical Trial Study: INNOVATE-5: A pivotal, randomized controlled, Open-Label Study of Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields, 200 kHz) in patients with recurrent Ovarian Cancer in Whom platinum is an option Planned number of patients: 650 Participating groups: HeCOG, NOGGO, TRSGO, CEEGOG, GINECO, PGOG, DGOG, CTI ENGOT-ov74/Swiss-GO/LoRiO Leading group: Swiss-GO Clinical Trial Study: PM1183-C-011-22 Localized Radiotherapy with Olaparib in recurrent Ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 159 Participating groups: CEEGOG, ISGO Planned start 2024 ENGOT-ov73/GEICO/PM1183-C-011-22 Leading group: GEICO Clinical Trial Study: PM1183-C-011-22 A Randomized, Multicenter, Open-label, Phase III Study of Lurbinectedin in Combination with Paclitaxel vs. Platinum-based Chemotherapy or Weekly Paclitaxel as Treatment in Patients with Relapsed Ovarian Cancer (LUPPA-1 Trial) Planned number of patients: 250-375 Participating groups: TBD ENGOT-ov72/MITO/ROSELLA Leading group: MITO Clinical Trial Study: A Phase 3 Study of Relacorilant in Combination with Nab-Paclitaxel versus Investigator’s choice in Advanced, Platinum-Resistant, High-Grade Epithelial Ovarian, Primary Peritoneal, or Fallopian-Tube Cancer Planned number of patients: 360 Participating groups: BGOG, CEEGOG, GEICO, GINECO, ISGO, NCRI, TRSGO, Swiss-GO ENGOT-ov71/NSGO-CTU/UP-NEXT Leading group: NSGO-CTU Clinical Trial Study: Phase III UpRi maintenance study in PSROC Planned number of patients: 350 Participating groups: AGO (NOGGO), A-AGO), BGOG, DGOG, GEICO, GINECO, ISGO, MaNGO, MITO, NCRI, NSGO-CTU ENGOT-ov70/BGOG/ALEPRO Leading group: BGOG Clinical Trial Study: An open label phase II study of abemaciclib and letrozole in ER-positive rare ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 40-100 Participating groups: AGO, GEICO, GINECO, SAKK, NCRI ENGOT-ov68/NOGGO/ARTISTRY-7 Leading group: NOGGO Clinical Trial Study: A Phase 3, Multicenter, Open-Label, Randomized Study of Nemvaleukin Alfa in Combination with Pembrolizumab Versus Investigator’s Choice Chemotherapy in Patients with Platinum-Resistant Epithelial Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, or Primary Peritoneal Cancer (ARTISTRY-7) Planned number of patients: 376 Participating groups: A-AGO, CEEGOG, DGOG, GEICO, ISGO, HeCOG, MITO, NCRI, PGOG ENGOT-ov67/A-AGO-OVAR 2.39/UPLIFT Leading group: A-AGO Clinical Trial Study: Uplifted expansion cohort in ovarian cancer patient of the open label Phase Ib/II, first-in-human, dose escalation and expansion study of XMT-1536 in patietns with solid tumors likely to express NaPi2 Planned number of patients: 180-240 Participating groups: AGO, BGOG, CEEGOG, GEICO, GINECO, MITO, NCRI, NSGO, PGOG ENGOT-ov66/GEICO/A VB500-OC-004/ARRAVIVE Leading group: GEICO Clinical Trial Study: A phase 3, randomized, double-blind, adaptive, placebo/Paclitaxel-controlled study of AVB-S6-500 in combination with Paclitaxel in patients with Platinum-resistant recurrent ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 300-500 Participating groups: MITO, MaNGO, GINECO, CEEGOG, HeGOG, BGOG, NCRI, PGOG, NOGGO ENGOT-ov65/MaNGO/KEYNOTE-B96 Leading group: MaNGO Clinical Trial Study: A phase 3, randomized, double-blind study of Pembrolizumab versus placebo in combination with Paclitaxel with or without Bevacizumab for the treatment of Platinum-resistant recurrent ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 696 Participating groups: GINECO, BGOG, NSGO, NOGGO, ISGO, PGOG, NCRI-UK, TRSGO, DGOG ENGOT-ov64/NSGO-CTU/SOLERO Leading group: NSGO-CTU Clinical Trial Study: An early phase randomized trial of APX005M in BRCAwt patients with recurrent ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 105 Participating groups: CEEGOG, BGOG, GEICO, SwissGO ENGOT-ov63/GINECO/NIRVANA Leading group: GINECO Clinical Trial Study: NIRVANA (NIRaparib with or without beVacizumab in mAintenance after complete cytoreductioN in patients with ovArian cancer) Planned number of patients: 390 Participating groups: BGOG, MaNGO, GEICO, Gotic, KGOG ENGOT-ov62/NOGGO/N-PLUS Leading group: NOGGO Clinical Trial Study: NiraParib in optimaLly debUlked ovarian cancer patientS Planned number of patients: 536 Participating groups: A-AGO, BGOG, MaNGO ENGOT-ov61/GEICO/EPIK-O Leading group: GEICO Clinical Trial Study: EPIK-O: A Phase III, multi-center, randomized (1:1), openlabel, active-controlled study to assess the efficacy and safety of alpelisib (BYL719) in combination with olaparib as compared to single agent cytotoxic chemotherapy, in participants with no germline BRCA mutation detected, platinum-resistant or refractory, high-grade serous ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 358 Participating groups: GINECO, NSGO, NCRI, CEEGOG, AGO, A-AGO, MITO, MaNGO and BGOG ENGOT-ov60/NCRI/GOG-3052/RAMP201 Leading group: NCRI Clinical Trial Study: A phase II trial of VS-6766 monotherapy and in combination with Defactinib in recurrent Low Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer Planned number of patients: 116 Participating groups: NCRI GOG partners, GEICO, BGOG, GINECO, MaNGO, Princess Margaret Consortium Canada ENGOT-ov59/NOGGO/MAMOC Leading group: NOGGO Clinical Trial Study: Rucaparib MAintenance after Bevacizumab Maintenance following Carboplatin based first line chemotherapy in Ovarian Cancer patients Planned number of patients: 190 Participating groups: AGO ENGOT-ov58/GINECO/TEDOVA Leading group: GINECO Clinical trial Study: Neoepitope vaccine (TEDOPI) in combination with pembolizumab as maintenance treatment for ovarian cancer in platinum sensitive relapse Planned number of patients: 360 Participating groups: AGO, BGOG ENGOT-ov57/AGO Leading group: AGO Clinical Trial Study: Niraparib vs Niraparib in combination with Bevacizumab in patients with carboplatinum-taxane based chemother-apy in advanced ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 970 Participating groups: BGOG, CEEGOG, GEICO, MANGO ENGOT-ov56/NSGO-CTU/DOVACC Leading group: NSGO-CTU Clinical Trial Study: A three-arm randomized study of olaparib, durvalumab and UV1 as maintenance therapy in BRCAwt patients in with relapsed ovarian cancer where platatinum combination therapy is an option Planned number of patients: 184 Participating groups: BGOG, NOGGO, HeCOG, DGOG, A-AGO ENGOT-ov55/BGOG/MIRASOL Leading group: BGOG Clinical trial Study: MIRASOL: A phase 3 registration trial for Mirvetuximab-Soravtansine using PS2+ scoring in FRα high platinum resistant ovarian cancer patients Planned number of patients: 430 Participating groups: GEICO, DGOG, CEEGOG, ISGO, PGOG, MANGO, NCRI, AGO, GINECO ENGOT-ov54/Swiss-GO/MATAO Leading group: Swiss-GO Clinical Trial Study: MAintenance Therapy with Aromatase inhibitor in epithelial Ovarian cancer: a Randomized Double-blinded Placebo-controlled Phase III Trial Planned number of patients: 540 Participating groups: AGO, A-AGO ENGOT-ov52/DGOG/OVHIPEC-2 Leading group: DGOG Clinical Trial Study: OVHIPEC-2 Randomized phase 3 trial comparing primary cytoreductive surgery with or without hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for stage III epithelial ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 538 Participating groups: Cancer trials Ireland, ANZGOG, NSGO-CTU, MITO, GINECO, NCRI, USA (as guest member of the DGOG) ENGOT-ov51/MITO/NItCHE Leading group: MITO Clinical Trial Study: Randomized phase III trial on Niraparib-TSR 042 vs TSR 042 vs physician's choice chemotherapy in recurrent ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer patients not candidate for further platinum treatment Planned number of patients: 422 Participating groups: MaNGO, GINECO, HeCOG, CEEGOG, NOGGO ENGOT-ov49/MaNGO/NEWTON Leading group: MaNGO Clinical Trial Study: A multicenter, open-label phase II trial of customized dosing (Rapid Adjustment of Dose to reduce Adverse Reactions “RADAR” dosing) of niraparib as maintenance therapy in platinum sensitive ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal recurrent cancer patients. Planned number of patients: 105 Participating groups: NOGGO ENGOT-ov47-TR /NOGGO-AGO TR2/HELPER Leading group: NOGGO Clinical Trial Study: Prospective study of HE4 serum level in patients with first platinum sensitive relapsed ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 500 Participating groups: A-AGO, AGO, BGOG, GEICO, MaNGO, MITO, NCRI ENGOT-ov45/NCRI/ATHENA Leading group: NCRI Clinical Trial Study: ATHENA - A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 study in ovarian cancer patients evaluating Rucaparib and Nivolumab as maintenance treatment following response to front-line Platinum-based chemotherapy Planned number of patients: 1000 Participating groups: AGO, BGOG, CEEGOG, CTI, GEICO, HeCOG, ISGO, MITO, NSGO, PGOG, TRSGO, (GOG Foundation Partners and other global groups) ENGOT-ov41/GEICO/ANITA Leading group: GEICO Clinical Trial Study: ANITA (Atezolizumab and NIraparib Treatment Association in recurrent ovarian cancer): A randomized phase III trial of platinum-based chemotherapy followed by niraparib maintenance with or without atezolizumab in patients with recurrent ovarian, tubal or peritoneal cancer and platinum treatment-free interval (TFIp) >6 Months Planned number of patients: 414 Participating groups: AGO, BGOG, GINECO, ISGO, MaNGO ENGOT-ov40/NOGGO/Expression VI Leading group: NOGGO Clinical Trial Study: Holistic Analysis of longterm survivors with ovarian cancer Planned number of patients: 100-200 per country Participating groups: A-AGO, BGOG, CEEGOG, GEICO, TRSGO, Swiss-GO, (Romania, PASGO) ENGOT-ov35/NCRI/ICON 9 Leading group: NCRI Clinical Trial Study: An international phase III randomised study to evaluate the efficacy of maintenance therapy with olaparib and cediranib or olaparib alone in patients with relapsed platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer following a response to platinum-based chemotherapy Planned number of patients: 330 Participating groups: SGCTG (ANZGOG, NCIC), GCIG, Canadian cancer trials group ENGOT-ov34/AGO Ovar 2.29 Leading group: AGO Clinical Trial Study: Atezolizumab in combination with Bevacizumab +/- Chemotherapy versus Chemo-BEV standard in recurrent ovarian cancer – a randomised trial Planned number of patients: 664 Participating groups: A-AGO, BGOG, GEICO, GINECO, NSGO, SAKK, NSGO-CTU Next ENGOT meeting April 11-12, 2024 Milan, Italy Directly to: ESGO‘s Upcoming Conference eAcademy ENGOT Tutoring Collection ESGO‘s Journal latest articles myESGO ESGO Newsletter Get notified on all news and activities right in your mailbox. 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